سخنرانی عضو هیات علمی و معاون پژوهشی دانشکدگان علوم دانشگاه تهران در بزرگداشت پرفسور پکا کورهونن استاد سرشناس حوزه تحقیق در عملیات و علوم تصمیم


A speech by a member of the academic staff and vice president of research of the Faculty of Sciences of Tehran University in honor of Professor Pekka Korhonen, a well-known professor in the field of operations research and decision sciences.

Dr. Majid Soleimani, a professor of applied mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science and the research assistant of the Faculty of Sciences of Tehran University, traveled to this country at the invitation of Aalto University in Finland, and at the commemoration ceremony of Professor Pekka Korhonen, which was held on August 14, 2024 (24 August 1403) was held, he gave a speech. Dr. Soleimani Doman's speech with the title

Preference information in DEA and MCDM: Pekka Korhonen's Contribution and Future Directions

It was about preferred information in data analysis and decision-making, with an emphasis on his joint work with Professor Korhonen. In addition to him, 9 other guest speakers from Finland, America, Canada, and England spoke in this event. Pekka Kurhonen was a professor emeritus of the Department of Information and Service Management at Aalto University, who died in January of this year at the age of 79. He was one of the most prominent researchers in the field of operations research and decision making, especially multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). He conducted joint research with at least five researchers of Iranian origin and traveled to Iran twice at the invitation of Tehran University's Faculty of Mathematics. For more information, refer to the following websites.

Link 1: Pekka Korhonen in memoriam

Link 2: Seminar honored the scientific research of Pekka Korhonen

Link 3: Google Scholar