.Ali M Rajabi

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-14

.Ali M Rajabi

College of Science / Faculty of Geology

Journal Paper

  1. "Effect of Activated Carbon as a Stabilizer on Geotechnical and Microstructural Properties of Clayey Sand Soil"
    .Ali M Rajabi, S. M. S. Ghorashi, Mohammad Hossein Mohammadrezaei, Mozhgan Sade
    International Journal of Engineering, Transactions C: Aspects, Vol. 38, No 6, pp.1411-1420, 2025
  2. "Triaxial compression and shear strength characteristics of two-stage concrete: an experimental study"
    Farzam Omidi Moaf, .Ali M Rajabi, Hakim S. Abdelghader, Marzena Kurpinska, G Murali Murali, Mikolaj Miskiewicz
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, No 1, 2024
  3. "Using neural network modeling to improve the detection accuracy of land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal"
    .Ali M Rajabi, علی عدالت, Yasaman Abolghasemi, Mahdi Khodaparast
    Journal of Mountain Science, Vol. 21, No 7, pp.2320-2333, 2024
  4. "Effect of freezing soil temperatures on strength parameters of clayey sand soils stabilized by poly propylene and poly vinyl alcohol fibers"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Sayed Mohammad Sadegh Ghorashi, Meysam Mahdavi Yeganeh
    COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 208, No 103797, 2023
  5. "A numerical simulation using FLAC3D to analyze the impact of concealed karstic caves on the behavior of adjacent tunnels"
    Motahare Mahmoodi, .Ali M Rajabi
    NATURAL HAZARDS, Vol. 117, No 1, pp.555-577, 2023
  6. "Modeling of land subsidence induced by groundwater withdrawal using Artificial Neural Network (A case study in central Iran)"
    Yasaman Abolghsemi, .Ali M Rajabi, علی عدالت
    Geopersia, Vol. 13, No 1, pp.67-81, 2023
  7. "The effect of polypropylene and glass fibers on strength and failure behavior of clayey sand soil"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Sayed Mohammad Sadegh Ghorashi, Meysam Mahdavi Yeganeh
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 16, No 1, 2022
  8. "Results of cone and piston pull-out tests for evaluation of clay-soil adhesion"
    Akbar Cheshomi, MAHDI JAFARI, .Ali M Rajabi
    Soil and Tillage Research, Vol. 225, No 1055552, 2022
  9. "Unconfined compressive strength of clay soils at different temperatures: experimental and constitutive study"
    Fariborz Mohammadi, Soheib Maghsoodi, Akbar Cheshomi, .Ali M Rajabi
    Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 81, No 15, 2022
  10. "Effect of the circular cavity on the undrained bearing capacity of shallow strip footing"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdis Saadati, Motahare Mahmoudi, Elham Fijani
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 15, No 14, pp.1-10, 2022
  11. "Strength properties and microstructural characteristics of clay treated with alkali activated mortar and fiber"
    Nastran Khorram, .Ali M Rajabi
  12. "Effect of footing geometry on the slope of reinforced soil during centrifuge modeling"
    Behzad Moein, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 15, No 5, 2022
  13. "Sediment yield and soil erosion assessment by using empirical models for Shazand watershed, a semi-arid area in center of Iran"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Adel Yavari, Akbar Cheshomi
    NATURAL HAZARDS, Vol. 112, No 2, pp.1685-1704, 2022
  14. "Laboratory Study and Statistical Analysis on the Hydraulic Failure of Sandy Soils"
    Shayan Ghasemian Langroudi, .Ali M Rajabi, Amir Ali Zad, Tohid Mahdavi
    ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 47, No 4, pp.5167-5186, 2022
  15. "A laboratory investigation of the geomechanical properties of graphite stabilized clayey sands"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mozhgan Sadeh, Mohammad Hossein Mohammadrezaei, Behzad Behnia
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 14, No 24, 2021
  16. "Laboratory investigation of clayey soils improvement using sepiolite as an additive; Engineering performances and micro-scale analysis"
    Shima Bakhshi, .Ali M Rajabi
    ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, Vol. 293, No 106328, 2021
  17. "Effect of nano calcium carbonate (nano CaCO3) on the strength and consolidation properties of clayey sand soil"
    Mostafa Mohammadi, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    Road Materials and Pavement Design, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-22, 2021
  18. "Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of the Effect of Nano Calcium Carbonate on Geotechnical Properties of Clayey Sand Soil"
    Mostafa Mohammadi, .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdi Khodaparast
    KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 26, No 1, pp.35-46, 2021
  19. "An experimental study on the influence of metakaolin on mechanical properties of a clayey sand"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Zahra Hamrahi
    Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Vol. 80, No 10, pp.7921-7932, 2021
  20. "Evaluation of Dynamic Probing Testing Effect in Hand Excavated Pit on Test Results Using Numerical Modeling"
    seyed Mohammad Sadegh Ghorashi, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, Vol. 33, No 8, 2021
  21. "Earthquake-induced landslide prediction using back-propagation type artificial neural network: case study in northern Iran"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdi Khodaparast, Mostafa Mohammadi
    NATURAL HAZARDS, Vol. 110, No 1, pp.679-694, 2021
  22. "Simulation of the Interaction of Micropiles and a Fault Rupture"
    Mojtaba Alizadeh, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 25, No 12, pp.4620-4630, 2021
  23. "Identifying dispersive soils by modification of chemical criterion, validated based on data from Northwest and Central Iran"
    Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi, Behzad Moein, Jalal Bazargan
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 14, No 17, 2021
  24. "Improvement of sandy soil to prevent hydraulic failure using BCF fibers and geotextiles"
    Shayan Ghasemian Langroudi, Amir Ali Zad, .Ali M Rajabi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 14, No 17, 2021
  25. "A Numerical Study of the Effect of Tunneling on Surface Settlement and Existing Buildings"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Motahare Mahmoudi, Mahdi Taebi
    International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, Vol. 34, No 5, pp.1085-1093, 2021
  26. "The Effect of Nano-Iron Oxide on the Strength and Consolidation Parameters of a Clay Soil: An Experimental Study"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Shima Bakhshi, Alireza Heidari Abdollahi
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Vol. 45, No 3, pp.1759-1768, 2021
  27. "Mechanical properties of silty clay soil treated with a mixture of lime and zinc oxide nanoparticles"
    Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi, Mostafa Mohammadi
  28. "Effect of Liquid Polyvinyl Acetate and Micronized Calcium Carbonate on Strength Parameters of Silty Sand Soil"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Hosseini
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Vol. 46, No 1, pp.385-395, 2021
  29. "Scenarios to control land subsidence using numerical modeling of groundwater exploitation: Aliabad plain (in Iran) as a case study"
    Ali Edalat, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 79, No 21, 2020
  30. "Effects of Natural-Zeolite Additive on Mechanical and Physicochemical Properties of Clayey Soils"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Shima Bakhshi
  31. "Application of numerical back analysis for determination of soil mass specifications during tunnel construction"
    Motahare Mahmoodi, .Ali M Rajabi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 13, No 19, 2020
  32. "Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Two-Stage Concrete and Conventional Concrete Using Nondestructive Tests"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Farzam Omidi Moaf, Hakim S Abdelghader
    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, Vol. 32, No 7, pp.4020185-10, 2020
  33. "Prediction of blast-induced ground vibration using empirical models and artificial neural network (Bakhtiari Dam access tunnel, as a case study)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Vafaee
  34. "Development of Practical Correlations Between Cone Penetration Resistance and SPT Values for Various Types of Soils"
    Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi, Mohammad Derakhshan
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Vol. 9, No 2, 2019
  35. "Detecting Land Subsidence Due to Groundwater Withdrawal in Aliabad Plain, Iran, Using ESA Sentinel-1 Satellite Data"
    Ali Edalat, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    Natural Resources Research, Vol. 14, No 32, 2019
  36. "Effect of coarse grain aggregate on strength parameters of two-stage concrete"
    Farzm Omidi Moaf, .Ali M Rajabi, Hakim S Abdelgader, Marzena Kurpinska, Krzysztof Wilde
    Materialy Budowlane, Vol. 1, No 3, pp.4-6, 2019
  37. "Midcrustal Thrusting and Vertical Deformation Partitioning Constraint by 2017 Mw 7.3 Sarpol Zahab Earthquake in Zagros Mountain Belt, Iran"
    Ying-hui Yang, Jyr-ching Hu., Ali Yassaghi, Min-chien Tsai, Mehdi Zare, Qiang Chen, Ze-gen Wang, .Ali M Rajabi, Farnaz Kamranzad
    SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol. 89, No 6, pp.2204-2213, 2018
  38. "A numerical study on land subsidence due to extensive overexploitation of groundwater in Aliabad plain, Qom-Iran"
    .Ali M Rajabi
    NATURAL HAZARDS, Vol. 93, No 2, pp.1085-1103, 2018
  39. "A review on SPT-based liquefaction potential evaluation to assess the possibility of performing a risk management"
    Ehsan Ghorbani, .Ali M Rajabi
    Scientia Iranica, Vol. 25, No 5, pp.37-49, 2018
  40. "Effect of diesel-contamination on geotechnical behavior of illite soil"
    Hossein Safehian, .Ali M Rajabi, Hasan Ghasemzadeh
    ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, Vol. 3, No 242, pp.11-22, 2018
  41. "Municipal solid waste landfill siting by using GIS and analytical hierarchy process (AHP): a case study in Qom city, Iran"
    Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi, Ali Edalat
    Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 77, No 2, 2018
  42. "An experimental study on hydraulic behavior of free-surface radial flow in coarse-grained porous media"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Elham Hatamkhani, Jalal Sadeghian
    Journal of Hydraulic Structures (JHS), Vol. 3, No 2, pp.10-21, 2017
  43. "Simple Empirical Formula to Estimate the Geomechanical Parameters of Preplaced Aggregate concrete and Conventional Concrete"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Farzam Omidi Moaf
    CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, Vol. 146, No 146, pp.485-492, 2017
  44. "The new empirical formula to estimate the uniaxial compressive strength of limestone; southwest of Tehran-Iran, as a case study"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Hosseini, Alireza Heidarian Abdollahi
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 111, No 1, 2017
  45. "Land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal in Arak plain, Markazi province, Iran"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Ehsan Ghorbani
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 9, No 20, 2016
  46. "The Impact of Geological Units on the Ground waters Quality of Hastijan, Southeastern of Delijan, Iran"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Keyvan Mokhtari
    Environmental Resources Research, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.175-194, 2016
  47. "The new empirical formula based on dynamic probing test results in fine cohesive soils"
    Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi, Mostafa Mohammadi
    International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 13, No 2, pp.105-113, 2015
  48. "An Approach to Identify Site Response Directivity of Accelerometer Sites and Application to the Iranian Area"
    Del Gaudio Vincenzo, Pierpaolo Pierri, .Ali M Rajabi
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 172, No 6, pp.1471-1490, 2014
  49. "Investigation of the geological and geotechnical characteristics of the Tanguyeh dam site in southeastern Iran"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdi Khodaparast, Ali Edalat
    Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Vol. 74, No 3, pp.861-872, 2014
  50. "A time probabilistic approach to seismic landslide hazard estimates in Iran"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mashallah Khamehchiyan, Mohammad R. Mahdavifar, Del Gaudio Vincenzo, Capolongo Domenico
    SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, Vol. 48, No 12, pp.25-34, 2013
  51. "A new empirical estimator of coseismic landslide displacement for Zagros Mountain region (Iran)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mohammad R. Mahdavifar, Mashallah Khamehchiyan, Vincenzo Del Gaudio
    NATURAL HAZARDS, Vol. 59, No 2, pp.1189-1203, 2011
  52. "Attenuation relation of Arias intensity for Zagros Mountains region (Iran)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Khamehchiyan Mashallah, Mahdavifar Mohammad R., Del Gaudio Vincenzo
    SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, Vol. 30, No 3, pp.110-118, 2010
  53. "Application of support vector machine in modeling land subsidence in parts of Aliabad plain of Qom"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Yasaman Abolghsemi, علی عدالت
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 16, No 1, pp.77-92, 2023
  54. "Numerical modeling of groundwater flow in Ali Abad Plain of Qom to predict fluctuations of the water table and hydraulic conductivity"
    Ali Edalat, .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdi Khodaparast
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 2, No 15, pp.49-67, 2022
  55. "The effect of geopolymer on loess soil stabilization (Case study; Loess soil of Gorgan province)"
    leila Karami, .Ali M Rajabi
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 4, No 3, pp.47-64, 2021
  56. "Investigation on compression strength of clayey-sand soil stabilized with Nano calcium carbonate"
    Mostafa Mohammadi, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 53, No 8, pp.1-16, 2021
  57. "Investigating the effect of aquifer water table variation on the subsidence phenomenon and balancing strategies of the aquifer (Case study; Ali Abad Plain, Qom)"
    Ali Edalat, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 53, No 5, pp.1-18, 2021
  58. "Numerical Modeling of the Interaction of Micropile with Reverse Faulting"
    Mojtaba Alizadeh, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    Bulletin of Earthquake Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, No 4, pp.51-63, 2021
  59. "The assessment of zeolite and sepiolite effect on elastic modulus and hydraulic conductivity of clayey soils with the emphasize on microstructure"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Shima Bakhshi
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 14, No 4, pp.609-634, 2021
  60. "Effect of basalt natural fibers on the mechanical properties of clay Rey town"
    Nastran Khorram, .Ali M Rajabi
    Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 52, No 10, 2021
  61. "Investigation of the effect of temperature on the shear strength of Kaolinite clay"
    Akbar Cheshomi, Fariborz Mohmadi Farsani, .Ali M Rajabi
    Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 52, No 8, 2020
  62. "Evaluation of the effect of shape and loading position on the stability of geotextile-reinforced slope using centrifuge modeling"
    Behzad Moein, .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdi Khodaparast
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 13, No 1, pp.15-28, 2020
  63. "A Dynamic Analysis of the Interaction of Concrete Face and Rockfill Part in Concrete Faced Rockfill Dams"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Sajdeh
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 13, No 4, pp.599-616, 2020
  64. "The Study of Clinoptilolite Effect on the Strength Parameters of Clayey Sand Soil Considering Soil Failure Behavior"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Shima Bakhshi
    Sharif Journal Civil Engineering, Vol. 35, No 1, 2019
  65. "Application of dynamic probing results in ground type zonation - Qom city"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdi Khodaparast, Mojtaba Alizadeh
    Earth Knowledge Research, Vol. 10, No 39, 2019
  66. "The experimental study of the Nano-Silica effect on the strength and consolidation parameters of Karaj Clay Soils"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Heidari Abdollahi
    Civil engineering Modarres, Vol. 34, No 2, pp.12-22, 2019
  67. "Application of EPM in soil erosion assessment (a case study; Shazand watershed)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Adel Yavari, Hamidreza Soloki
    Geology of Iran, Vol. 13, No 50, 2019
  68. "Evaluation of the uniaxial compression strength and Atterberg limits of metakaolin-treated sandy clay soil"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Zahra Hamrahi
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 12, No 1, 2019
  69. "Earthquake-induced landslide hazard Zonation using AHP model and GIS (Case Study: Chalkasar and Chahar mahal regions)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Hossein Khosravi
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 12, No 4, pp.653-658, 2019
  70. "Flood zoning of Chalous basin using hydrologic model of HEC-RAS and Geographic Information System"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Taher Rajaee, Ali Fallah Tafti
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 11, No 2, pp.45-60, 2018
  71. "Soil erosion zonation and sediments yield estimation in Shazand watershed using MPSIAC model and GIS & RS technology"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Adel Yavari, Mojtaba Moradi
    Environmental Researches, Vol. 9, No 17, pp.197-206, 2018
  72. "A numerical study on non-contact and contact pile performance"
    Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi, Masoud Shokri
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 11, No 2, pp.175-200, 2017
  73. "The Assessment of Poly Vinyl Acetate and Mocronized Calcium Carbonate Powder Effect on Elastic Modulus of a Silty Sand soil"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Hosseini
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.14-26, 2017
  74. "Study on The Effect of Gasoil on Shear Bahvior of Coarse Grained Soils"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdi Khodaparast, Masoud Shokri
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 9, No 3, pp.1-14, 2017
  75. "Comparison of information value method and Analytic Hierarchy Process in the earthquake-induced landslides hazard zonation (case study; landslides caused by Manjil earthquakes)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, حسین خسروی
    Bulletin of Earthquake Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No 4, pp.31-42, 2017
  76. "Hydrogeochemical Evaluation of Groundwater and Its Suitability for Various Uses in the Hastijan Aquifer (Central province –Iran)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Keyvan Mokhtari, Mohammad Ali Aliabadi
    Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), Vol. 68, No 3, pp.387-399, 2015
  77. "The Empirical Relationship between Shear Wave Velocity (Vs) and Dynamic Probing (DP) Test in The Alluvial Plateau in Qom"
    Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi, Mojtaba Alizadeh
    Bulletin of Earthquake Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.31-40, 2015
  78. "Application of the Monte Carlo Simulation in Analysis of Earthquake-Induced Landslides (Case Study: the Manjil Earthquake)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mashallah Khamehchiyan, Mohamad Reza Mahdavifar
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 23, No 91, pp.3-10, 2014
  79. "Application of Frequency Ratio Model in the prediction of landslides triggered by Manjil earthquake"
    .Ali M Rajabi, محمدرضا مهدویفر , Mashallah Khamehchiyan
    Geology of Iran, Vol. 6, No 21, pp.3-13, 2012
  80. "The prediction of earthquake-induced Landslides using Newmark model and Monte Carlo Simulation approach"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mashallah Khamehchiyan, Mohamad Reza Mahdavifar
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 4, pp.1-17, 2012

Conference Paper

  1. "A thematic investigation of the scientific miracle of the Quran from the geological science point of view"
    .Ali M Rajabi
    1st International Congress On Quran and Sciences, 2024
  2. "Evaluating the land subsidence rates due to groundwater overexpliotation in Qazvin plain"
    .Ali M Rajabi
    4th.International Conference & 5th.national Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Art and Urban Design, 2022
  3. "Self Compacting Grout to produce Two-Stage Concrete"
    Hakim S Abdelghader, Wilde Krzysztof, Ali S. Elbaden, Marzena Kurpinska, Farzam Omidi Moaf, .Ali M Rajabi
    2nd International RILEM Conference; Rheology and Processing Construction Materials, 2019
  4. "Effect of gas oil on geotechnical properties of illite soil"
    Hossein Safehian, .Ali M Rajabi, Hasan Ghasemzadeh
    International Conference on Structural and Civil Engineering Research, 2018
  5. "temporal variation of electrical resistivity in kerosene polluted clay soil"
    [] [], Abdollah Sohrabi Bidar, .Ali M Rajabi
    21th Iranian geophysical conference, 2024
  6. "Review on land subsidence in Gavkhoni basin due to excessive extraction of groundwater"
    هانیه کاوه بروجنی, .Ali M Rajabi, Elham Fijani
    Eighth International Conference on Technology Development in Materials Engineering, Mining and Geology, 2024
  7. "Using deep learning to monitor the granularity of concrete coarse aggregates"
    .Ali M Rajabi, متین اقدامی, علی عدالت
    14th National Congress On Civil Engineering, 2024
  8. "Type of Admixtures in Concrete; A review"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mehdi Habibi
    8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, 2023
  9. "Modeling of subsidence using support vector machine (case study: parts of Aliabad plain of Qom)"
    Yasaman Abolghsemi, .Ali M Rajabi, علی عدالت
    5th Iranian Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and 2th International Conference on Earthquake and Seismic Geotechnical Engineering, 2023
  10. "A review of deep learning and its application in geotechnical engineering"
    متین اقدامی, .Ali M Rajabi, علی عدالت
    25th Conference of Geological Society of Iran, 2023
  11. "Laboratory investigation of electrical resistance of clay soil contaminated with diesel"
    Sahar Ghorbani, Abdollah Sohrabi Bidar, .Ali M Rajabi
    4th International Conference & 5th National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Art and Urban Design, 2022
  12. "Assessment of ground subsidence caused by excessive extraction of groundwater in Qazvin plain"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Masoud Salehi
    4th.International Conference & 5th.national Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Art and Urban Design, 2022
  13. "The study of stability of circular tunnels in rock mass under the effect of excessive loading"
    .Ali M Rajabi, سید محمد صادق قرشی, محمد علیزاده
    The 40th National Geosciences Congress, 2022
  14. "Study of the effect of tunnel geometric characteristics on land deformation"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Hamidreza Soloki, Marzieh Usefali
    8th National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management, 2022
  15. "Review on land subsidence through groundwater withdrawal"
    Yasaman Abolghsemi, .Ali M Rajabi
    5th International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Urban Management, 2021
  16. "Investigation of strength characteristics of marl soil stabilized by dolomite powder"
    Alireza Ashoor Pasand, .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Taleb beydokhti
    5th International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Urban Management, 2021
  17. "The effect of silica fume on the compressive strength of concrete,before and after fire"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Hossein Barzegar Salookolaei
    5th International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Urban Management, 2021
  18. "Investigating the effect of light and heavy aggregates on the geomechanical parameters of self-compacting concrete"
    yones Shirmardi, .Ali M Rajabi
    Third International Conference on Modern Engineering, Architecture, Urban Development and Environmental Studies in the 21st Century, 2020
  19. "The Interaction of Reverse - Faulting Surface Rupture and Micropiles Foundation system"
    Mojtaba Alizadeh, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    The 7th National Conference on Tectonics and Structural Geology of Iran; 2019, 2019
  20. "Numerical Analysis of the Effect of twin Tunnel excavation on the load Transfer Mechanism and Settlement existing pile group"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdi Khodaparast, Mozhde Kyani
    13th Iranian Tunnel Conference, 2019
  21. "The effect of freezing and thawing cycles on the mechanical and physical properties of fine-grained soils - A review"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Ali Nik Vishkaie
    2th Con. on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism of the Islamic Countries, 2019
  22. "A Numerical Study on The Effect of Topography on the Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing on Adjacent of Slope in Sandy Soils"
    Mostafa Baghjari, .Ali M Rajabi
    6th National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, architecture and Urban Management, 2019
  23. "A Numerical Study on Tunneling Effect on the Ground Settlement and surface Structure"
    Mehdi Taebi, .Ali M Rajabi
    6th National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, architecture and Urban Management, 2019
  24. "Effect of Temperature on Undrainaged Shear Strength of Kaolinite"
    Fariborz Mohmadi Farsani, Akbar Cheshomi, .Ali M Rajabi
    38th National Geosciences Congress, 2019
  25. "A numerical Study on the Effect Geometric Deep Mixing Column and Soil on the Settlement Reduction of Clay Soils"
    Razieh Sadr, .Ali M Rajabi
    5th National Conference on Recent Achievements in Civil, Architecture and Municipal Engineering, 2019
  26. "A Review on Deep Soil Mixing Method as a method for Problematic soils Improvement"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Razieh Sadr
    5th National Conference on Recent Achievements in Civil, Architecture and Municipal Engineering, 2019
  27. "The Effect of Basalt Fiber on Strength Resistance Properties of Clayey Sand Soil"
    Nastran Khorram, .Ali M Rajabi
    International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Managment in Iran, 2018
  28. "The Problems of the Construction of Tunneling in Karstic Environments (A Review)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Motahare Mahmoodi
    National Conference on Modern Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning and the Environment in the 21st Century, 2018
  29. "Investigation of Uniaxial Compression Strength of cement stabilized loess (Case study: Golestan province loess)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Leila Karami
    3rd Iranian Conference of Geotechnical engineering, 2018
  30. "Improvement of mechanical and physical properties of clay using basalt fibers"
    Nastran Khorram, .Ali M Rajabi
    3th National Conference on Geotechnics, Iranian Geotechnical Society, 2018
  31. "The study of Expansive and Collapcible of gypsious clay soils"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mehdi Ebrahimi
    3th International Conference and 4th National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design, 2018
  32. "Numerical analysis of the interaction between twin-tunnels: Influence of the relative position and construction procedure"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Leila Karami
    11th International congress on civil Engineering, 2018
  33. "Statistical evaluation of geotechnical data of Pardisan Town of Qom"
    Amir Mohammad Golshani, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    4th International Conference on Structural Engineering, 2018
  34. "Investigation of the Effect of Simultaneous Additionof Sepiolite Fibers and Graphite on Compression Strength Parameters of clayey Sand Soil"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mozhgan Sade
    The International Conference on Recent Progresses in Civil Engineering, 2017
  35. "The study of Effect of Zeolite on the Uniaxial Compression of Sandy clay Soil"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Shima Bakhshi, Zahra Hamrahi
    The International Conference on Recent Progresses in Civil Engineering, 2017
  36. "The Effect of Metakaolin on Uniaxial Compression Strength of Sandy Clay soil"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Zahra Hamrahi, Shima Bakhshi
    The International Conference on Recent Progresses in Civil Engineering, 2017
  37. "A Review on Effects of Tunnel Drilling on Earth's Settlement and Surface Structures"
    Mehdi Taebi, .Ali M Rajabi
    The 4th National Conference on Civil Engineering Recent Developments, 2017
  38. "A Review on the Effect of Topography and Inclined Load on the Bearing Capacity of the Strip Foundations adjacent to deep"
    Mostafa Baghjari, .Ali M Rajabi
    The 4th National Conference on Civil Engineering Recent Developments, 2017
  39. "The Effect of Grain Particle Granolometry on Pre-Placed Concrete Strength Parameters and Comparison with Conventional Concrete"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Farzam Omidi Moaf
    9th National Conference on Concrete-15th Congress of Concrete Day, 2017
  40. "The Improvement of Soil with Nanomaterials (A Review)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Nastran Khorram
    Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development of Contemporary IRAN, 2017
  41. "The study of Triaxial Compression Strength Test Results on Conventional and Preplaced Concretes"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Farzam Omidi Moaf
    4th National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering and Architecture and Urban management, 2017
  42. "The Identification of Collapsible Soils and Their Improvement-A review"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mozhgan Sade, Shima Bakhshi
    4th. International Congress on Civil Engineering , Architecture and Urban Development, 2016
  43. "The soils improvement methods and effect of the different additives- a review"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Shima Bakhshi, Mozhgan Sade
    4th. International Congress on Civil Engineering , Architecture and Urban Development, 2016
  44. "A Review of Improvement Methods and the Impact of Different Additives on Soil"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Shima Bakhshi, Mozhgan Sade
    4th int. Con. on civil Engineering, architecture and Urban Developement, 2016
  45. "A review on the identification criteria of collapsible soils and improving using different additives"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mozhgan Sade, Shima Bakhshi
    4th int. Con. on civil Engineering, architecture and Urban Developement, 2016
  46. "The study of hydrolic behavior of free-surface radial flow in coarse-grained porous media"
    Elham Hatamkhani, .Ali M Rajabi, Jalal Sadeghian
    15th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, 2016
  47. "Correlation Between the maximum Horizontal displacement and the Existed Axial Force in Nailing Excavation Method (A Case Study)"
    Mehdi Habibi, .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdi Khodaparast
    6th International Conference on Sustainable development and Urban Construction, 2016
  48. "Presentation of correlation between the maximum horizontal displacement and the the existed axial force in nailing excavation method (A case study)"
    Mehdi Habibi, .Ali M Rajabi, Mahdi Khodaparast
    6th International Conference of Sustainable Development and Urban Consrtuction, 2016
  49. "Effect of Gas oil on Compression and Consolidation of Clayey Soils"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Hasan Ghasem Zadeh, Hossein Safehian
    5th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Soil mechanics, 2016
  50. "Effect of Polimer Epoxy Resin on Strength Parameter of Clayey Sand Soil"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Hossein Rashvand, Meysam Mahdavi Yeganeh
    5th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Mechanics, 2016
  51. "Dynamic analysis of interaction of the concrete face and rockfill part in concrete face rockfill dams"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Sajdeh
    5th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Mechanics, 2016
  52. "Compare the effect of adding Nano silica and lime on clayey soil strength parameters"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Hosseini, Alireza Heidari Abdollahi
    5th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Mehanics, 2016
  53. "Earthquake-induced landslide hazard Zonation using AHP model and techniques of GIS (Case Study: Chalkasar area and Chahar mahal)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Hossein Khosravi
    International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Mechanics, 2016
  54. "The study of glass and Polypropylene fibers on strength parameters of cleyey sand soils"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Meysam Mahdavi Yeganeh, Hossein Rashvand
    The 9th National Conference on Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2016
  55. "The study of Calcium Carbonate Powder on strength parameters of Karaj clay soils"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Hosseini, Alireza Heidari Abdollahi
    The 9th National Conference on Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2016
  56. "The comparison of Statistical methods in earthquake-induced landslides hazard zonation; a case study Caeljasar and Chaharmahal area"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Hossein Khosravi
    20th Symposium Conference of the Geological society of Iran, 2016
  57. "The Study of Seismic Behavior of the Concrete Face Rockfill Dams Using Finite Element Simulation"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Sajdeh
    20th Symposium of The Geological Society of Iran, 2016
  58. "The Optimum Model Selection from bi-regression Statistical method to earthquake induced landslide zonation- case study: Chalkasar and Chaharmahal"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Hossein Khosravi
    The 9th National Conference on Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2016
  59. "Evaluation of Limestone Properties and Presentation of Experimental Relationships Using Laboratory Results Case Study: Zarandieh Limestone Mine"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Hosseini
    9th National Civil Engineering Congress, 2016
  60. "Effect of Horizontal holes on effective stress and soil settlement beneath of surface footings"
    Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi, Golara Yavarinejad
    3rd Conference and 1st International Conference on Applied Research in Exhibition Civil engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning, 2016
  61. "The assessment and identification of dispersive soil"
    Ali Shaterian Mohammadi, .Ali M Rajabi
    2nd Iranian Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2015
  62. "The assessment of Swelling potential of clay soil in different of Karaj region"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Hassan Hossini, Aireza Heidarian Abdollahi
    2nd Iranian Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2015
  63. "The Assessment of Liquefaction of Alluvial Soils Based on Cone Penetration Test (A case study; Karaj Region)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Hassan Hossini, Aireza Heidarian Abdollahi
    2nd Iranian Conference on Soil Mechanic and Foundation Engineering, 2015
  64. "The Identification of Collapsible Soil and Their Improvement by Dynamic Compaction(A Numerical and Laboratory Comparison; Case study)"
    Alireza Hosseini, .Ali M Rajabi
    2nd Iranian Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2015
  65. "Zonation of erodability of Saveh dam Watershed using GIS"
    Adel Yavari, .Ali M Rajabi, Hosein Amini
    1st Water Science and Engineering Conference and Exhibition, 2015
  66. "Assessment of heavy metals pollution in drinking water resources of Garmabdasht watershed (Golestan, Iran)"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Ehsan Ghorbani
    CESET, 2015, 2015
  67. "Assessment of ground subsidence in Arak plain and the relative corresponding reduction of groundwater level"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Ehsan Ghorbani
    CESET, 2015, 2015
  68. "Relationship between static and dynamic modulus of elasticity (Case study, Qom alluvium)"
    Mojtaba Alizadeh, Mahdi Khodaparast, .Ali M Rajabi
    2nd Iranian National Geotechnic Engineering Conference, 2014
  69. "Assessment of deformation of dam body during construction, initial watering and operation phases"
    .Ali M Rajabi, Mohmmad Salehian Zolbayen
    1st Iranian National Geotechnics Engineering Conference, 2013