Reza Nozaem

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-14

Reza Nozaem

College of Science / Faculty of Geology

Journal Paper

  1. "Interplay between tectonics and surface processes in the evolution of mountain ranges: Insights from landscape dynamics, uplift, and active deformation of Talesh Mountains (NW Iranian Plateau margin)"
    Mohammad Moumeni, Michele Delchiaro, Marta Della Seta, Reza Nozaem, Paolo Balato, Joel S Leonard, Romano Clementucci, Javad Rouhi
    GEOMORPHOLOGY, Vol. 448, No 109029, 2024
  2. "Tectonic deformation and landscape evolution inducing mass rock creep driven landslides: the Loumar case-study (Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt, Iran"
    Michele Delchiaro, Marta Della Seta, Salvatore Martino, Reza Nozaem, Mohammad Moumeni
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 846, No 1, pp.1-21, 2023
  3. "The effects of planar structures on reservoir quality of Triassic Kangan formation in the central Persian Gulf, an integrated approach"
    Sina Kaveh Ahangar, Reza Nozaem, Vahid Tavakoli
  4. "Investigation of the relationship between tectonic morphological indices and seismic acceleration in Indes, Aipak, Avaj and Kushk-e-Nusrat fault zones (northwest of Saveh)"
    Bahar Rezaei Nahal, Mohsen pourkermani, Mehdi zare, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Reza Nozaem
    Journal Of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing, Vol. 4, No 3, pp.22-42, 2022
  5. "Metamorphic rock-hosted orogenic gold deposit style at Lakhshak deposit: Their key features and significances for gold exploration in Sistan suture zone"
    نسیم حیدریان دهکردی, Shojaeddin Niroomand, Hossein Ali Tajeddin, Reza Nozaem
    Geopersia, Vol. 12, No 2, pp.317-329, 2022
  6. "Integrated geophysical study of the Lakhshak gold-antimony deposit in the Sistan suture zone, southeastern Iran"
    نسیم حیدریان دهکردی, Shojaeddin Niroomand, Hossein Alli Tajeddin, Reza Nozaem
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 15, No 6, 2022
  7. "Quantitative assessment of the relative tectonic activity using the analytical hierarchy process in the northwestern margin of the Lut Block, Central Iran"
    Mohammad Moumeni, Reza Nozaem, Maryam Dehbozorgi
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 206, No 18, pp.1-17, 2020
  8. "Fault inversion in central Iran: Evidence of post Pliocene intracontinental left lateral kinematics at the northern Iranian Plateau margin"
    Sedigheh Khodaparast, Saeed Madanipour, Eva Enkelmann, Reza Nozaem, Khaled Hessami
    JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS, Vol. 140, No 18, pp.1-19, 2020
  9. "Long-lived, Eocene-Miocene stationary magmatism in NW Iran along a transform plate boundary"
    Ahmad Rabiee, Federico Rossetti, Yoshihiro Asahara, Hossein Azizi, Federico Lucci, Michele Lustrino, Reza Nozaem
    GONDWANA RESEARCH, Vol. 85, No 85, 2020
  10. "Structural evidence on strike slip Kinematic inversion of the Kushk-eNosrat Fault zone, Central Iran"
    Sedigheh Khodaparast, Saeed Madanipour, Reza Nozaem, Khaled Hessami
    Geopersia, Vol. 10, No 1, pp.195-209, 2020
  11. "Reconstruction of river valley evolution before and after the emplacement of the giant Seymareh rock avalanche (Zagros Mts., Iran)"
    Michele Delchiaro, Marta Della Setta, Salvatore Martino, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Reza Nozaem
    EARTH SURFACE DYNAMICS, Vol. 7, No 7, 2019
  12. "Clockwise paleomagnetic rotations in northeastern Iran: Major implications on recent geodynamic evolution of outer sectors of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone"
    Massimo Mattei, Andrea Leonardo Visconti, Francesca Cifelli, Reza Nozaem, Aldo Winkler, Leonardo Sagnotti
    GONDWANA RESEARCH, Vol. 71, No 2019, pp.194-209, 2019
  13. "Multiphase magma intrusion, ore-enhancement and hydrothermal carbonatisation in the Siah-Kamar porphyry Mo deposit, Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic zone, NW Iran"
    Ahmad Rabiee, Federico Rossetti, Francesca Tecce, Yoshihiro Asahara, Hossein Azizi, Johannes Glodney, Federico Lucci, Reza Nozaem, Joachim Opitz, David Selby
    ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, Vol. 110, No 1, 2019
  14. "Active tectonics analysis of the Kalmard fault zone, Central Iran"
    Mohammad Moumeni-taromsari, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Reza Nozaem, Ali Yassaghi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 11, No 14, pp.368-392, 2018
  15. "The long-term evolution of the Doruneh Fault region (Central Iran): A key to understanding the spatio-temporal tectonic evolution in the hinterland of the Zagros convergence zone"
    Meisam Tadayon, Federico Rossetti, Massimiliano Zattin, Gabriele Calzolari, Reza Nozaem, Claudio Faccenna, Francesco Salvini, Pouria Khodabakhshi
    GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 53, No 3, pp.1-26, 2018
  16. "Hematite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry constrains intraplate strike-slip faulting on the Kuh-e-Faghan Fault, central Iran"
    Gabriele Calzolari, Federico Rossetti, Alexis K Ault, Federico Lucci, Valerio Olivetti, Reza Nozaem
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 728-729, No 20, pp.41-54, 2018
  17. "The Post-Eocene Evolution of the Doruneh Fault Region (Central Iran): The Intraplate Response to the Reorganization of the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone"
    Meisam Tadayon, Federico Rossetti, Massimiliano Zattin, Reza Nozaem, Gabriele Calzolari, Saeed Madanipour, Francesco Salvini
    TECTONICS, Vol. 36, No 12, pp.3038-3064, 2017
  18. "Evaluation of relative tectonic activity of Buin Zahra-Avaj area, northern Iran"
    Masoome Alaee, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Mohammad R. Ghassemi, Reza Nozaem
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 10, No 10, pp.1-16, 2017
  19. "Photograph of the month-Shear Band Boudin"
    Reza Nozaem
  20. "Post-Neogene right-lateral strike slip tectonics at the north-western edge of the Lut Block (Kuh-e Sarhangi Fault), Central Iran"
    Reza Nozaem, Mohammad Mohajjel, Federico Rossetti, Marta della Seta, Gianluca Vignaroli, Ali Yassaghi, Francesco Salvini, Mohsen Elyasi
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 589, No 1, 2013
  21. "Investigating the role of basement structures in controlling facies characteristics, depositional models, and diagenetic alterations of the Sarvak Formation in the eastern and western regions of the Persian Gulf"
    مرضیه محمودی, Hamzeh Mehrabi, Reza Nozaem
    Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches, Vol. 40, No 1, 2024
  22. "Structural evolution of the Lachinag synformal anticline at the southwestern termination of the Dochah Fault, west of Qom Province, northern Central Iran"
    Mohadeseh Ajami Kahnaki, Reza Nozaem, Saeed Madanipour, Vahid Tavakoli, Mohsen Elyasi, Saeid Haj Amini, کوثر شادرام
    Kharazmi Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.260-282, 2023
  23. "Faghan fault system, constrain on the late Cenozoic kinematics of the Northern Lut Block, Central Iran"
    Mohammad Reza Mazinani, Ali Yassaghi, Reza Nozaem
    Scientific Quarterly Journal, GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 32, No 3, pp.103-118, 2022
  24. "Analysis of the Deh Zaman mylonitic granite based on deformed feldspar grains"
    Zahra Soudmand, Saeed Madanipour, Reza Nozaem
    Irananin Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy, Vol. 30, No 3, pp.447-458, 2022
  25. "Geology, mineralogeny and fluid Inclusion study in the Lakhshk Gold deposit south west of Sistan suture zone"
    نسیم حیدریان دهکردی, Shojaeddin Niroomand, Hossein Ali Tajeddin, Reza Nozaem
    Geology of Iran, Vol. 12, No 2, 2022
  26. "Paleostrees analysis and Evaluation of Movement potential of Dochah Fault, Central Iran"
    Mohadese Ajami kahnaki, Reza Nozaem, Mohsen Elyasi, Saeed Madanipour, Saeid Haj Amini, Vahid Tavakoli, Kosar Shadram Shadehi
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 48, No 2, 2022
  27. "Geochemistry and origin of the ortho- amphibolites inTakhte-Soleyman (NE Takab)"
    Ziba Khodaean Chegeni, Nematollah Rashidnejad Omran, Ali Akbar Baharifar, Reza Nozaem, Carmela Vaccaro, Jose Francisco Santos
    Scientific Quarterly Journal, GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 32, No 2, pp.133-148, 2022
  28. "Assessment of active tectonics by using morphometric indices in Western and Central Alborz"
    Ali Yavarifard, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Reza Nozaem, Saeed Hakimi Asiabar, Donya Rabeti
    Quantitative Geomorphological Research, Vol. 10, No 1, pp.149-171, 2021
  29. "Thermobarometry and Tectonic Setting of Metamorphic Rocks from Ophiolitic Mélange of South Dehshir (SW Yazd)."
    خدیجه حیدری, محسن نصرآبادی, Reza Nozaem
    Scientific Quarterly Journal, GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.111-134, 2020
  30. "Petrology of granites from the Gash metamorphic complex"
    منیر زندی فر, محسن نصرآبادی, Reza Nozaem
    New findings in applied geology, Vol. 14, No 27, pp.27-42, 2020
  31. "Insights in to the overprinting of the dextral shearing on the Deh Zaman mylonitic granite, Kuh-e-Sarhangi Area, northwest edge of the Lut Block"
    زهرا سودمند, سعید معدنی پور, Reza Nozaem
    Tectonics Journal, Vol. 2, No 8, pp.5-15, 2020
  32. "Geochemistry and paleomagmatic setting of metabasites protolith of North West Asadabad metamorphic complex (west of Hamadan)"
    سحر رجبی, محسن نصرآبادی, Reza Nozaem
    Earth Knowledge Research, Vol. 10, No 40, pp.202-218, 2019
  33. "Facies Relations and Emplacement Styles of Magmatic Bodies in N-Qazvin, Western Alborz"
    Batool Nemati, Abbas Asiabanha, Reza Nozaem
    Scientific Quarterly Journal, GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 5, No 5, 2019
  34. "Assessment of active tectonics by using morphometric indices in Sepidrud basin, Western Alborz"
    دنیا رابطی, مریم ده بزرگی, سعید حکیمی آسیابر, Reza Nozaem
    Quantitative Geomorphological Research, Vol. 7, No 2, pp.140-157, 2018
  35. "Geometric- kinematic analysis of the Kalmard fault zone, north of Ozbak-Kuh, central Iran"
    Mohammad Moumeni-taromsari, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Reza Nozaem, Ali Yassaghi
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 28, No 109, pp.245-254, 2018
  36. "Active tectonic analysis of Buin Zahra-Avaj area, southern Qazvin"
    معصومه اعلایی, Maryam Dehbozorgi, محمد رضا قاسمی, Reza Nozaem
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.123-152, 2018
  37. "Geometric and kinematic analysis and of Derenjal Mountain’s faults, eastern block of Kalmard fault (Central Iran)"
    Rana Samadi Moghadam, Reza Nozaem, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Mohammad Mohajjel
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 27, No 107, pp.75-86, 2018
  38. "Relationshiprelationship between aleteration zone and Kalmard fault system in the Ozbak-Kuh area, Central iran"
    Mohammad Moumeni Taromsari, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Ali Ghorbani, Reza Nozaem
    Kharazmi Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.113-122, 2017
  39. "Petrology of mafic intrusions in the south of Bardaskan (NW Lut)"
    Neda Nejadi, Mohsen Nasrabadi, Reza Nozaem, Kazem Gholizadeh
    Kharazmi Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.271-292, 2017
  40. "Neo Tectonic Assessment of Kalmard Fault by Using GIS, Shirgasht District (Central Iran)"
    Rana Samadi Moghadam, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Reza Nozaem, Mohammad Mohajjel
    Geography And Development Iranian Journal, Vol. 14, No 45, pp.159-180, 2017
  41. "Morphotectonic Analysis of Southern flank of Central Alborz"
    Ali Shamayelian, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Moanoocher Ghoreshi, Reza Nozaem
    Journal of Iranian Quaternary quarterly, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.197-210, 2016
  42. "Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrogenesis of plagiogranitic intrusions from ophiolitic complex of southern Mehriz (SW Yazd)"
    Khadijeh Heidari, Mohsen Nasrabadi, Reza Nozaem
    Kharazmi Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.13-32, 2016
  43. "Structural analysis and deformation conditions in the Kuh-e-Sarhangi shear zone of the Deh Zaman granite, NW of the Lut Block"
    Reza Nozaem, محمد محجل, علی یساقی, محسن نصرآبادی
    Irananin Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy, Vol. 22, No 1, 2014

Conference Paper

  1. "The Mountain Front Fault in the Lorestan region of the Zagros belt (Iran): coupling tectonic uplift and structural inheritance in a Mass Rock Creep deforming slope"
    Micheleh Delchiaro, Marta Della Seta, Salvatore Martino, Mohammad Moumeni, Reza Nozaem, Gian Marco Marmoni, Carlo Esposito
    23th European Geoscience Union, 2023
  2. "Asymmetric uplift in the NW Iranian Plateau: An insight from the dynamic divide migration of Ardebil Basin"
    Mohammad Moumeni, Micheleh Delchiaro, Marta Della Seta, Reza Nozaem
    10th IAG international conference on geomorphology, 2022
    Farzaneh Aghayari, Shahriar Mahmoodi, Reza Nozaem, Seyed Ali Shafiei Goosheh
    8th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE8), 2019
  4. "Low-temperature thermochronology and structural constraints on Cenozoic fault kinematic inversion in Northern Iranian Plateau margin, case of the Kushk-e-Nosrat Fault, central Iran"
    Sedighe Khodaparast, Saeed Madanipour, Eva Enkelmann, Reza Nozaem, Khaled Hessami, W.B Matthews
    3rd TRIGGER International conference, 2019
  5. "Oroclinal bending in Northern Iran: new constraints on the age of South Caspian subduction and extrusion tectonics"
    Massimo Mattei, Francesca Cifelli, Andrea Leonardo Visconti, Reza Nozaem, Aldo Winkler, Leonardo Sagnotti
    EGU general assembly 2019, 2019
  6. "Geostructural and geomorphic constraints for landscape evolution modelling and stress-strain numerical analysis of the giant Seymareh landslide (Zagros Mts., Iran)"
    Michele Delciaro, Marta Della seta, Javad Rouhi, Salvatore Martino, Reza Nozaem, Maryam Dehbozorgi
    EGU general assembly 2019, 2019
  7. "Multiple ore enrichment and mineralisation in the Siah-Kamar porphyry Mo deposit (Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic, NW Iran)"
    Ahmad Rabiee, Federico Rossetti, Francesca Tecce, Yoshihiro Asahara, Johannes Glodny, Reza Nozaem, Hossein Azizi, Federico Lucci, Joachim Opitz, David Selby
    2 TRIGGER international conference November 12-16 2018 Tehran, Iran, 2018
  8. "PT condition of deformation in Azna mylonitic granite(Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone), Based on Quartz and Feldspar microstructures"
    Seyyed Ali Shafiei Gooshe, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Reza Nozaem, Morteza Delavari
    4th Young Earth science Congress (YES), 2017
  9. "an insight on the spatio-temporal evaluation of intraplate strike- slip faulting ; the neogene-quaternary history of the kuhe faghan fault system"
    Gabriele Calzolari, Federico Rossetti, Marta Della Setta, Reza Nozaem, Valerio Olivetti, Maria Laura Balestrieri, Domenico Cosentino, Claudio Faccenna, Finlay Stuart, Alexis Ault, Gianluca Vignaroli
    88th congress Della society geological Italianate, 2016
  10. "Investigating the relationship between the Indes-Tafresh and Talkhab fault zones on the Alteration by remote sensing method"
    فاطمه قرائیان, Reza Nozaem, Abdorrahman Rajabi, امیر تقوی, ایمان معصومی
    The 42st National Geosciences Congress, 2024
  11. "Geometric and Kinematic Analysis of Aragonite veins in the Anguran Mine"
    مرضیه مرتاض, Reza Nozaem, Shojaeddin Niroomand, Ali Kananian, مهدی بهیاری, Mohammad Amini
    The 42st National Geosciences Congress, 2024
  12. "Investigating structure and mineralization in MohebAli and AbbasAbad fault zone, , southeast of Eshtehard, North of central Iran"
    نادیا احمدی نژاد, Reza Nozaem, Saeed Madanipour, Gianluca Vignaroli, سهیل کرمی, مرضیه مرتاض
    12th Iranian Engineering Mining Conference, 2024
  13. "Structural Geology and its effect of Copper and Nickle in the Anarak Ophiolites (South Mirkooleh)"
    امیررضا اصغرزاده, Ali Kananian, Reza Nozaem
    The 42st National Geosciences Congress, 2024
  14. "Petrography, remote sensing and structural geology of northern Anarak ophiolites (Mirkoole)"
    امیررضا اصغرزاده, Ali Kananian, Reza Nozaem
    15th Symposium of Iranian Society of Economic Geology, 2023
  15. "Structural Analysis of Anguran Mine pit"
    مرضیه مرتاض, Reza Nozaem, Shojaeddin Niroomand, Ali Kananian, مهدی بهیاری, Mohammad Amini, Somayyeh Tamar zadeh mamakani
    26th Conference of Geological Society of Iran, 2023
  16. "Evaluation of Displacement potential of Dochah Fault at the west of Qom"
    Mohadeseh Ajami Kahnaki, Reza Nozaem, Mohsen Elyasi, سعید معدنی پور, Saeid Haj Amini, Vahid Tavakoli
    The 41th National Geological Congress, 2023
  17. "Siesmicity and earthquake hazard analysis in the Qom province with deterministic approach"
    Abdollah Sohrabi Bidar, Mohadeseh Ajami Kahnaki, Reza Nozaem
    The 41th National Geological Congress, 2023
  18. "Structure and mineralization of Barite in Ipak fault zone, southeast of Eshtehard, North of central Iran"
    نادیا احمدی نژاد, Reza Nozaem, سعید معدنی پور, جیانلوکا ویگنارولی, Majid Soleymani, سحر میثمی, سهیل کرمی
    25th conference of geological society of Iran, 2023
  19. "mineral potential mapping for exploring of ..."
    امیررضا اصغرزاده, Ali Kananian, Reza Nozaem, Abdorrahman Rajabi
    14th Symposium of Iranian Society of Economic Geology, 2022
  20. "petrography and geochemistry of Jazin Paleogene volcanic rocks (North of Ferdows)"
    عارف خاکی, Ali Kananian, سید جعفر عمرانی, Reza Nozaem
    The 40th national geosciences congress, 2022
  21. "Structural evolution of Lachinag synformal anticline at the western termination of Dochah Fault, north of Central Iran"
    Reza Nozaem, Mohadeseh Ajami Kahnaki, Saeed Madanipour, Saeid Haj Amini, Vahid Tavakoli, Mohsen Elyasi, Masood Biralvand
    The 40th National Geoscience Congress, 2022
  22. "Investigating barite mineralization in the IPAK fault zone with remote sensing methods and structural measurements"
    نادیا احمدی نژاد, Reza Nozaem, سعید معدنی پور, جیانلوکا ویگنارولی, Amir Saman Rezaei, Majid Soleymani
    The 41th National Geoscience Congress, 2022
  23. "Paleostress analysis in the Dochah area (west of Qom) based on multiple inverse method"
    Mohadeseh Ajami Kahnaki, Reza Nozaem, Mohsen Elyasi, Saeed Madanipour, Saeid Haj Amini, Vahid Tavakoli
    The 40th National Geoscience Congress, 2022
  24. "Seismicity and earthquake risk analysis in Kurdistan province by deterministic method"
    Seyed Majed Atapour, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Reza Nozaem, Abdollah Sohrabi Bidar, Mohadeseh Ajami Kahnaki
    The 40th National Geoscience Congress, 2022
  25. "Estimation of seismic parameters of active Zagros faults in Kurdistan province by Gutenberg-Richter and Kijko-Sellevoll method"
    Seyed Majed Atapour, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Reza Nozaem, Abdollah Sohrabi Bidar, Hiva Allahyari
    24 Symposium of Geological Society of iran, 2021
  26. "Implication of integrated low temperature geochronology and structural data to solving the north east central Iran micro-continent"
    میثم تدین, فدریکو روزتی, Reza Nozaem, سعید معدنی پور
    7th national tectonics and structural geology congress of Iran, 2019
  27. "The study of ore mineralization in Lakhshak gold deposit"
    نسیم حیدریان دهکردی, Shojaeddin Niroomand, Hossein Ali Tajeddin, Reza Nozaem
    7th National Conference on Iranian tectonics and Structural Geology, 2019
  28. "Core CT scanning, a powerful tool for identifying the planar structures and reservoir quality, Kangan Formation in the central Persian Gulf"
    Sina Kaveh Ahangar, Vahid Tavakoli, Reza Nozaem
    The 7th National Conference on Tectonics and Structural Geology of Iran, 2019
  29. "Evaluation of Vorticity number based on the deformation of Feldspar grains in the Deh Zaman Mylonitic granite, Kuh-e- Sarhangi region, Northwest of Lut Block"
    زهرا سودمند, Reza Nozaem, سعید معدنی پور
    7th Congress of Structural Geology and Tectonics of Iran, 2019
  30. "Structural evolution of pre-Cambrian-lower Cambrian sequence at the northwest of Lut Block, an evidence for oblique subduction of Prototethys"
    Reza Nozaem
    7th Congress of Structural Geology and Tectonics of Iran, 2019
  31. "Economic Evaluation of Sb-Au Deposit - Lakhshak Gold Using the Kriging Method"
    نسیم حیدریان دهکردی, Shojaeddin Niroomand, Reza Nozaem, Hossein Ali Tajeddin
    38th national geoscience congress, 2019
  32. "Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Qureh-Char granitoid pluton in S.W of Saqqez"
    Mahbobeh Bahrami, Ali Kananian, Reza Nozaem
    21 th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2018
  33. "Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Qareh-Char gabbroic dykes in the Southwest of Saqqez"
    Mahbobeh Bahrami, Ali Kananian, Reza Nozaem
    21 th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2018
  34. "3D Strain Analysis of the Deh Zaman mylonitic granite, Kuh-e-Sarhangi area, Northwest Edge of Lut Block"
    Zahra Soudmand, Saeed Madanipour, Babak Samani, Reza Nozaem
    the 21" symposium of geological society of iran & the 11" geological national conference of payame noor university, 2018
  35. "Structural Analysis of Faults and Folds in the North of Damghan (Mehmandoieh-Kalate)"
    Ensiyeh Ghadiri, Asghar Dolati, Reza Nozaem, Hosein Mosadegh
    the 21" symposium of geological society of iran & the 11" geological national conference of payame noor university, 2018
  36. "Primary evaluation of Maximum shear stress and strain rate of the Deh Zaman myloniticgranite, Kuh-e-Sarhangi Area, northwest edge of the Lut Block"
    Zahra Soudmand, Reza Nozaem, Saeed Madanipour
    the 21" symposium of geological society of iran & the 11" geological national conference of payame noor university, 2018
  37. "New insight to the Overprinting of the Dextral shearing on the Deh Zaman mylonitic granite, Kuh-e-Sarhangi Area, northwest edge of the Lut Block"
    Zahra Soudmand, Reza Nozaem, Saeed Madanipour
    the 21" symposium of geological society of iran & the 11" geological national conference of payame noor university, 2018
  38. "Morphotectonic constrains on recent tectonic activity in north Taleqan mountains, Central Alborz Mountains of Northern Iran"
    Towhid Khosrowbeigi, Saeed Madanipour, Reza Nozaem
    36th international geoscience congress, 2018
  39. "Partial melting of Muscovite rich pelitic protolith and generation of Gasht metamorphic complex granitic Magma"
    Monir Zandifar, Mohsen Nasrabadi, Reza Nozaem
    35th national geoscience congress, 2017
  40. "Tectonic setteing of the Sahneh Ophiolite Melange (East of Kermanshah) based on Crom-Spinel and Pyroxen Geochemistry"
    Elham Farhangian, Mohsen Nasrabadi, Sima Peighambari, Reza Nozaem
    35th national Geoscience Congress, 2017
  41. "Influence Of Active Tectonic In Drainage Network Abnormalcy In Mariwan Basin"
    Hiva Allahyari, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Mohammad Mohajjel, Reza Nozaem
    4th national congress of tectonics and structural geology of Iran, 2016
  42. "Structural and Mineralogical study of the aterated veins in the Sahneh Ophiolites(eastern Kermanshah)"
    Elham Farhangian, Mohsen Nasrabadi, Sima Peighambari, Reza Nozaem
    20th Congress of geological Society of Iran, 2016
  43. "Petrology of the Gasht metamorphic complex (west of Rasht)"
    Monir Zandifar, Mohsen Nasrabadi, Reza Nozaem
    20th Congress of geological Society of Iran, 2016
  44. "Hierarchical analysis of the active tectonics of the Ozbak Kuh area"
    Mohammad Moumeni Taromsari, Maryam Dehbozorgi, Ali Yassaghi, Reza Nozaem
    20th Congress of geological Society of Iran, 2016
  45. "New insight to the Lut Block borders at the northern part and introducing of the Bardscan-Kashmar and Gonabad Microblocks"
    Reza Nozaem, محمد محجل, علی یساقی, فدریکو روزتی
    National Tectonics Congress, 2013