Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab


Update: 2025-03-14

Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab

College of Science / Faculty of Geology

Journal Paper

  1. "Coal petrology, sedimentology and depositional environment of the Parvadeh coals in the Upper Triassic, Tabas Block of Central-East Iran"
    [] [], Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ralfe Littke
    International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, Vol. 10, No 1, 2023
  2. "Anhydrite fabrics as an indicator for relative sea-level signatures in the sequence stratigraphic framework of a carbonate ramp"
    آرمین امیدپور , Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, رضا موسوی حرمی, Asadollah Mahbobi
    MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 155, No 10, 2023
  3. "Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of a coal bearing unit: the Upper Triassic Nayband Formation, Tabas Block, East-Central Iran"
    [] [], Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ralfe Littke
    Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, Vol. 113, No 2, 2023
  4. "Investigation and prediction of pore type system by integrating velocity deviation log, petrographic data and mercury injection capillary pressure curves in the Fahliyan Formation, the Persian Gulf Basin"
    Mohammad Derafshi, علی کدخدایی, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, رحیم کدخدایی ایلخچی , حمید مسلمان نژاد, DDDDD DFFTTTT
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 38, No 1, 2023
  5. "Improving the 3D facies model with the seismic-derived log volumes: a case study from the Asmari Formation in the Hendijan Field, southwest Iran"
    Aziz Abdolahi, Ali Chehrazi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ali Kadkhodaie, SayyedMohsen Seyyadali, Ying Rao
    Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 19, No 5, pp.1028-1045, 2022
  6. "The effect of mechanical stratigraphy on natural fractures morphology and distribution in carbonate reservoirs"
    ROUHOLLAH DASHTI, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 217, No 110915, 2022
  7. "Developing a saturation-height function for reservoir rock types and comparing the results with the well log-derived water saturation, a case study from the Fahliyan formation, Dorood oilfield, Southwest of Iran"
    Behnam Esmaeili, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ali Kadkhodaie, DDDDD DFFTTTT, Sirous Hosseinzadeh
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 212, No 1, 2022
  8. "Effects of dolomitization on porosity – Permeability distribution in depositional sequences and its effects on reservoir quality, a case from Asmari Formation, SW Iran"
    آرمین امیدپور , Asadollah Mahbobi, Reza Moussavi-Harami, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 208, No 1, 2022
  9. "Organic geochemistry, oil-source rock, and oil-oil correlation study in a major oilfield in the Middle East"
    Majied Safaei Faroji, Mohammadreza Kamali, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Thomas Gentzis, Bo Lio, Mehdi Ostadhassan
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 207, No 116, 2021
  10. "Geologically based integrated approach for zonation of a Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous carbonate reservoir; a case from Persian Gulf"
    Ali Asadi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Seyed Mohsen Ale Ali, Mehran Arian
    Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, Vol. 12, No 5, pp.1265-1283, 2021
  11. "Depositional en vi ron ment, geo chem is try and diagenetic con trol of the res er voir qual ity of the Oligo-Mio cene Asmari For ma tion, a car bon ate plat form in SW Iran"
    آرمین امیدپور , Reza Moussavi-Harami, Asadollah Mahbobi, Tom VAN LOON, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    GEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY, Vol. 65, No 27, pp.1-21, 2021
  12. "Application of stable isotopes, trace elements and spectral gamma-ray log in resolving high-frequency stratigraphic sequences of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic reservoirs"
    آرمین امیدپور , Reza Moussavi-Harami, Asadollah Mahbobi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 125, No 3, 2021
  13. "Tectono-sedimentary controls on Lower Cretaceous carbonate platforms of the central Zagros, Iran: An example of rift-basin carbonate systems"
    Hossain Nori, حمزه مهرابی , Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ali Faghih
    MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 110, No 10, pp.91-111, 2019
    Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 42, No 4, pp.343-370, 2019
  15. "Application of 3D–Seismic Data in Detecting Buried Karsts in Asmari Formation: An Example from Kupal Oil Field, Southwest Iran"
    Mousa Zohrabzadeh, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Seyed Mohsen Ale Ali
    Geopersia, Vol. 9, No 1, 2019
    Hamzeh Mehrabi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ihsan Al-aasm, Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji, Elham Haj Kazemi, Maryam Dalvand, Mahbobeh Omidvar
    JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 41, No 4, pp.467-494, 2018
  17. "Sedimentology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Late Quaternary Meyghan Playa sediments, NE Arak, Iran: palaeoclimate implications"
    Leila Abdi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohsen Mirmohammadmakki, Johann Probst, Saeed Rezaeian Langeroudi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 11, No 19, 2018
  18. "Integrated Rock Typing of the Grainstone Facies in a Sequence Framework: a Case from the Jurassic Arab Formation in the Persian Gulf"
    Ali Asadi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, رحیم کدخدایی ایلخچی
    ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION, Vol. 92, No 4, pp.1432-1450, 2018
  19. "Fracture and mechanical stratigraphy in naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs-A case study from Zagros region"
    Rohollah Dashti, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, محسن زینالی
    MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 97, No 97, pp.466-479, 2018
  20. "Geophysical strata rating (GSR) as an aid in carbonate reservoir characterisation: an example from the South Pars gas field, Persian Gulf Basin"
    Mohhamadali Faraji, Ali Kadkhodaei, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Peter Heartly
    EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 49, No 6, 2018
  21. "Seismic velocity deviation log: An effective method for evaluating spatial distribution of reservoir pore types"
    Mohammad Shirmohammadi, Ali Kadkhodaei, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohhamadali Faraji
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 139, No 2, pp.223-238, 2017
  22. "Elemental geochemistry and strontium-isotope stratigraphy of Cenomanian to Santonian neritic carbonates in the Zagros Basin, Iran"
    Amin Navidtalab, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Stefan Huck, Ulrich Heimhofer
    SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, Vol. 346, No 1, pp.35-48, 2016
  23. "A seismic-driven 3D model of rock mechanical facies: An example from the Asmari reservoir, SW Iran"
    Sajjad Gharachelou, Sepideh Sohrabi, Ali Kadkhodaei, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Javad Honarmand, غلامحسین منتظری
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 146, No 10, pp.983-998, 2016
  24. "A geological based reservoir zonation scheme in a sequence stratigraphic framework: A case study from the Permo–Triassic gas reservoirs, Offshore Iran"
    Amirhossain Enayati-bidgoli, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 73, No 1, pp.36-58, 2016
  25. "Stratigraphic evidence for development of Aptian intrashelf basin in the Zagros area, eastern Fars Province, SW Iran"
    Neda Khoshfam, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Davood Jahani, Davoud Morsalnezhad
    TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 25, No 2, pp.145-162, 2016
  26. "Controls on depositional facies in Upper Cretaceous carbonate reservoirs in the Zagros area and the Persian Gulf, Iran"
    Hamzeh Mehrabi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Elham Haj Kazemi, Adeleh Jamalian
    FACIES, Vol. 61, No 4, pp.1-24, 2015
  27. "Geological reservoir characterization of the Lower Cretaceous Dariyan Formation (Shu'aiba equivalent) in the Persian Gulf, southern Iran"
    Hamzeh Mehrabi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Elham Haj Kazemi, Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji
    MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 68, No 8, pp.132-157, 2015
  28. "Chemo-stratigraphy as a tool for sequence stratigraphy of the Early Triassic Kangan Formation, North of the Persian Gulf"
    Maryam Peyravi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Fadi Nader, Mohammadreza Kamali
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 31, No 2, pp.163-178, 2015
  29. "Characterization of rudist-dominated units as potential reservoirs in the middle Cretaceous Sarvak Formation, SW Iran"
    Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Hamzeh Mehrabi, Soumayeh Afshin, Farkhondeh Kiani, Nayereh Shahverdi
    FACIES, Vol. 61, No 3, pp.1-25, 2015
  30. "Dolomitization and burial history of lower triassic carbonate reservoir-rocks in the Persian Gulf (Salman offshore field)"
    مریم پیروی, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Fadi Nader, محمدرضا کمالی
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 30, No 2, pp.25-43, 2015
  31. "Impact of contrasting paleoclimate on carbonate reservoir architecture: Cases from arid Permo-Triassic and humid Cretaceous platforms in the south and southwestern Iran"
    Hamzeh Mehrabi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Amirhossain Enayati-bidgoli, Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 126, No 1, pp.262-283, 2015
  32. "Factors shaping reservoir architecture in the Jurassic Arab carbonates: A case from the Persian Gulf"
    Mehdi Daraee, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Noshin Fathi
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 122, No 7, pp.187-207, 2014
  33. "Generation and evolution of oolitic shoal reservoirs in the Permo-Triassic carbonates, the South Pars Field, Iran"
    Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    FACIES, Vol. Now online, No 1, 2014
  34. "Depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Ilam Formation in central and southern parts of the Dezful Embayment, SW Iran"
    Hamzeh Mehrabi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Amirhossain Enayati-bidgoli, Amin Navidtalab
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 29, No 3, pp.263-278, 2014
  35. "Relation of Recovery to Pressure in a Fractured Reservoir"
    Abrahim Batvandi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 32, No 16, pp.1905-1912, 2014
    Amirhossain Enayati-bidgoli, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Hamzeh Mehrabi
    JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 37, No 3, pp.205-230, 2014
  37. "A hybrid approach for litho-facies characterization in the framework of sequence stratigraphy: A case study from the South Parsgas field, the Persian Gulf basin"
    Ebrahim Sfidari, Ali Kadkhodaee, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Behzad Soltani
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 121, No 7, pp.87-102, 2014
  38. "Revision of the foraminiferal biozonation scheme in Upper Cretaceous carbonates of the Dezful Embayment, Zagros, Iran: Integrated palaeontological, sedimentological and geochemical investigation"
    Mahbobeh Omidvar, Hamzeh Mehrabi, Fereshteh Sajadi Hazaveh, Hassan Bahrami Zadeh, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    REVUE DE MICROPALEONTOLOGIE, Vol. 57, No 3, pp.97-116, 2014
  39. "Pore facies analysis: incorporation of rock properties into pore geometry based classes in a Permo-Triassic carbonate reservoir in the Persian Gulf"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Elnaz Aliakbar Doust
    Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 11, No 3, 2014
  40. "Spectral gamma-ray logs and palaeoclimate change? Permian–Triassic, Persian Gulf"
    Ebrahim Ghaseminejad Raeini, Alastair Ruffell, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Alastair Ruffell, Mohammad Sharifi, Behzad Soltani, Ebrahim Sfidari
    GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 1, No 10, pp.1-10, 2014
  41. "Seismic reservoir characterization of a deep water sandstone reservoir using hydraulic and electrical flow units: A case study from the Shah Deniz gas field, the South Caspian Sea"
    Saeed Yarmohammadi, علی کدخدایی ایلخچی , Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ahmad Shirzadi
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 118, No 118, pp.52-60, 2014
  42. "Appraisal of intra reservoir barriers in the Permo-Triassic successions of the Central Persian Gulf, Offshore Iran"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Amirhossain Enayati-bidgoli, Amin Navidtalab, Hamzeh Mehrabi
    GEOLOGICA ACTA, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.87-107, 2014
  43. "Effects of pore geometry and rock properties on water saturation of a carbonate reservoir"
    Elnaz Aliakbardoust, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 112, No 11, pp.296-309, 2013
  44. "Environmental and sequence stratigraphic implications of anhydrite textures: A case from the Lower Triassic of the Central Persian Gulf"
    Mohsen Aleali, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Reza Moussavi-harami, Davood Jahani
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 75, No 75, pp.110-125, 2013
  45. "Integration of rock typing methods for carbonate reservoir characterization"
    Elnaz Aliakbardoust, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 10, No 5, 2013
  46. "Consistent geological-simulation modeling in carbonate reservoirs, a case study from the Khuff Formation, Persian Gulf"
    Ashkan Assadi Eskandar, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Shahab Hejri, Khalil Afsari, Alireza Mardani
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 109, No 109, pp.260-279, 2013
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji
    JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 36, No 3, pp.257-279, 2013
  48. "Challenges in deep basin sequence stratigraphy: a case study from the Early–Middle Cretaceous of SW Zagros"
    Amin Navidtalab, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Amir Nazari-badii, Mehdi Sarfi
    FACIES, Vol. 60, No 1, pp.195-215, 2013
  49. "Seismic data conditioning and neural network-based attribute selection for enhanced fault detection"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ali Chehrazi
    PETROLEUM GEOSCIENCE, Vol. 19, No 2, pp.169-183, 2013
  50. "Paleoclimate and tectonic controls on the depositional and diagenetic history of the Cenomanian–early Turonian carbonate reservoirs, Dezful Embayment, SW Iran"
    Hamzeh Mehrabi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    FACIES, Vol. 60, No 1, pp.147-167, 2013
  51. "Uranium depletion across Permian–Triassic Boundary in Persian Gulf and its implications for paleooceanic conditions"
    Vahid Tavakoli, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
  52. "Diagenetic controlled reservoir quality of South Pars gas field, an integrated approach"
    Vahid Tavakoli, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji
    COMPTES RENDUS GEOSCIENCE, Vol. 343, No 1, pp.55-71, 2011
  53. "Petrography and Geochemistry of the Jajarm Karst Bauxite Ore Deposit, NE Iran: Implications for Source Rock Material and Ore Genesis"
    Daryosh Esmaeili, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Amir Esna-ashari, Ali Kananian
  54. "Role of rifting in evaporite deposition in the Great Kavir Basin, central Iran"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Zeinab Shariati , M G Siemann
    Geological Society Special Publication, Vol. 285, No 15, pp.263-279, 2007
  55. "A procedure for appraisal of a hydrocarbon reservoir continuity and quantification of its heterogeneity"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 58, No 2, pp.1-12, 2007
  56. "Origin and geochemistry of Miocene marine evaaporites associated with red beds : Great kavir Basin, Central Iran"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Zeinab Shariatinia , Michael G Siemann
    GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 42, No 1, pp.54-37, 2007
  57. "Geochemistry and origin of the world's largest gas field from persian Gulf, Iran"
    Mohammad Reza Kamali , Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Jafar Aali
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 50, No 3, pp.175-161, 2006
  58. "Petrology and geochemistry of the granitoid complex of Boroujed, Sanandaj - Sirjan zone, Western Iran"
    Khalaji A Ahmadi , D Esmaeily , M V Valizadeh , Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 29, pp.877-859, 2006
  59. "Origin of Secondary potash deposits : a case from Miocene evaporites of NW Central Iran"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Z Kalantarzadeh
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 25, No 1, pp.157-166, 2005
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Narjess Alijani
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 18, No 1, pp.19-28, 2003
  61. "Isotopic signature of the diagenetic fluids and cements in the Tortachilla Limestone, South Australia"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Bone Yvonne
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Yvonne Bone, رضا موسوی خرمی, Keith Turnbul
    SEPM, Vol. 56, No 1, pp.77-91, 1997
  63. "Stable isotope aspects of modern molluscs, brachiopods and marine cements from cool - water carbontes, Lacepede Shelf, South Australia"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Yvonne Bone , Reza Moussavi Harami
    Geochmica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. -, No 61, 1997
  64. "Geochemical investigations of Surmeh, Fahlian and Gadvan formations in the Gachsaran oil field"
    Majied Safaei Faroji, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, بیوک قربانی
    Journal of iran Petroleum Geology, Vol. 11, No 22, 2022
  65. "Oil source correlation in supergiant Gachsaran oil field"
    Majied Safaei Faroji, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohammadreza Kamali, Buik Ghorbani
    Scientific Quarterly Journal, GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 30, No 118, pp.71-80, 2021
  66. "Investigating the Role Pore Type and Pore Throat Size Radius in Determining the Flow Units using the Velocity Deviation Log and Core Data in Dorood Oilfield, Fahliyan Formation"
    Mohammad Derafshi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, علی کدخدایی ایلخچی , ffffg mhymjyjy
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 29, No 104, 2019
  67. "Investigating the effects of sedimentary environment and diagenetic processes on the quality of Sarvak reservoir formation within a sequence stratigraphic framework, Kupal Oil Field"
    زینب عالیشوندی , Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ali Kadkhodaee, Mehran Ariyan
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 27, No 107, pp.275-284, 2018
  68. "Petrophysical evaluation formation Fahliyan and Gadvan in the Binak oil field"
    Leyla Azad Shahraki, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ali Amirkhani, Akabr Zamannejad
    journal of expoduction oil and gas, Vol. 1397, No 154, pp.65-71, 2018
  69. "Depositional environment, diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy of Fahlyian Formation"
    Leyla Azad Shahraki, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohsen Ranjbaran
    Applied Sedimentology, Vol. 5, No 10, 2017
  70. "Facies and diagenetic controls on the reservoir quality of Saravk Formation in an oilfield in Abadan Plain"
    سمیه فرامرزی , Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohsen Ranjbaran
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 27, No 105, 2017
  71. "Interperation of Depositional and post depositional environmnet of Fahlyian Formation in Lar and Khami anticlines"
    Leyla Sharki Azad, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohsen Ranjbaran, Abdolhosein Kangazian
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 26, No 104, 2017
  72. "Evaluation of GSR from seismic data in carbonate reservoirs"
    Mohhamadali Faraji, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ali Kadkhodaee
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 92, No 1, pp.27-43, 2017
  73. "Evaluation of logs in sedimentary sequences"
    Amirhossain Enayati-bidgoli, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Abbas Nikandish
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 92, No 1, pp.69-81, 2017
  74. "Mechanical and sedimentological characterization of Asmari reservoir rock in an oilfield in the NW Dezful"
    Sepideh Sohrabi, Sajjad Gharachelou, Ali Kadkhodaei, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, غلامحسین منتظری, Samodin Esmaeaily
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 26, No 90, pp.114-128, 2017
  75. "Stratigraphic and sedimentologic evidences for development of Aptian intrashelf basin"
    Neda Khoshfam, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Davood Jahani, Davood Morsalnejad
    Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches, Vol. 65, No 4, pp.67-86, 2017
  76. "Impact of anhydrite on reservoir quality of Arab dolomites"
    Ali Asadi, Alireza Shakeri, Ali Kadkhodaei, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ali Chehrazi
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 2, No 89, pp.13-24, 2017
  77. "Depositional environment, electrofacies and sequence stratigraphy of the Fahliyan Formation (lower Cretaceous), Abadan plain"
    Abbas Ramazani Akbari, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohammadreza Kamali, Reza Mousavi Harami, Ali Kadkhodaei
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 26, No 102, pp.339-350, 2017
  78. "Microfacies study, depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy of Fahliayn Formation in some oilfields of Abadan Plain"
    Abbas Ramazani Akbari, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohammadreza Kamali, Reza Mousavi Harami, Ali Kadkhodaei
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 88, No 3, pp.68-81, 2016
    Majied Khanjani, سیدرضا موسوی حرمی , Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohammadreza Kamali, Ali Chehrazi
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 25, No 85, pp.113-127, 2016
  80. "Role of sea-level changes in diagenetic processes and accumulation of Dalan sediments"
    Mehrnoush Rafiei, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Vahid Tavakoli, Hassan Eshraghi
    Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches, Vol. 61, No 4, pp.33-50, 2016
    Amirhossain Enayati-bidgoli, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 1, No 85, pp.16-30, 2016
  82. "Depositional environment, diagenesis and reservoir quality of upper Sarvak formation, Persian Gulf"
    Nier Shahverdi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohammad Reza Kamali, Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 25, No 98, pp.55-66, 2016
  83. "Factors controlling reservoir quality of upper Surmeh formation in Balal and Salmon oilfields"
    Romina Hampaeayan, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohammadreza Kamali, سیدرضا موسوی حرمی
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 25, No 83, pp.68-81, 2015
  84. "Depositional environment, diagenesis and reservoir quality of upper Sarvak formation in Sirri field"
    Nier Shahverdi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohammadreza Kamali
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 25, No 84, pp.99-114, 2015
  85. "Microfacies, Sedimentary environment and diagenetic processes of Dariyan reservoir in the Salman oilfield"
    Kati Rezaee, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ali Kadkhodaee, Mehran Ariyan, Elham Haj Kazemi
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 25, No 97, pp.267-278, 2015
  86. "Depositional environment and diagenetic history of Fahliyan Formation in Lar anticline, south of Izeh Zone"
    Hossain Nori, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Applied Sedimentology, Vol. 3, No 6, pp.1-25, 2015
  87. "Investigation of the Late Permian Sea-Level Fluctuations based on the Facies Evolutions; An Example from the Upper Dalan Member in the South Pars Gas Field"
    Liela Amirbahador, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mehran Ariyan
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 24, No 95, pp.263-274, 2015
  88. "Depositional Environment, Diagenesis and Sequence Stratigraphy of Ilam Formation in Siri Alvand Oilfield"
    Majied Khanjani, Reza Moussavi-harami, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohammadreza Kamali, Ali Chehrazi
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 24, No 95, pp.253-262, 2015
  89. "Sedimentary environment, diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy of upper Sarvak Formation (Mishrif equivalent) in Siri oilfields"
    Majied Khanjani, Seyed Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohammadreza Kamali, Ali Chehrazi
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 24, No 95, pp.263-274, 2015
  90. "Study of original carbonate mineralogy of the Nayban Formation using geochemical evidences"
    Zahra Kalantarzadeh, Mohhamdhossein Adabi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 24, No 94, pp.203-216, 2015
  91. "mineralogy, origin and distribution of clay minerals in the Meyghan Playa, Arak"
    Leila Abdi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 24, No 94, pp.193-202, 2015
  92. "Parameters controlling reservoir quality of Arab Formation in heavy oil reservoir of Ferdowsi oil Field"
    Noshin Fathi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mehdi Daraee, Ali Assadi
    Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches, Vol. 30, pp.59-87, 2014
  93. "Mineralogy of Quaternary evaporates and their chimerical evolution"
    Leila Abdi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Irananin Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy, Vol. 22, No 1, pp.49-62, 2014
  94. "Reservoir Facies determination in carbonate rocks on the base of MICP"
    Elnaz Aliakbar Doust, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Applied Sedimentology, Vol. 1, No 2, pp.1-15, 2014
  95. "Determination and intrducing facies patterns of Dalan formation in south pars gas field using FMI logs"
    Hoshang Vafaei, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Davood Jahani, Hassan Mohseni
    Applied Sedimentology, Vol. 1, No 2, pp.68-81, 2014
  96. "Integrating petrography and log facies for reservoir quality interpretation in upper Surmeh Formation"
    Ali Asadi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, علی کدخدایی ایلخچی , Sepideh Sohrabi
    Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches, Vol. 29/53, No 4, pp.17-32, 2014
  97. "Depoistional environment, diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy of Lower Dalan in Golshan gas field"
    Javad Abdolmaleki, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Vahid Tavakoli, اشکان اسدی اسکندر
    Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches, Vol. 29/52, No 3, pp.63-90, 2013
  98. "Relation between salinity factor, subaireal exposure and reservoir quality"
    Sajad Qarhchelo, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji, Hasan Khavesh
    Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches, Vol. 29/51, No 2, pp.51-66, 2013
  99. "Depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy of Kangan Formation in South Pars Field"
    Sayyed Mohsen Alie Ali, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, رضا موسوی خرمی, داود جهانی, Ashkan Assadi Eskandar
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 22, No 87, pp.65-74, 2013
  100. "Porosity Estimation using siesmic markers"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Sepideh Sohrabi, Ali Assadi
    Applied Sedimentology, Vol. ١, No 1, 2012
  101. "Petrogenesis and geochemistry of Buket residual ore, NE Ajabshir, Iran"
    Hadi Khalil-zadeh, Ali Kalagary, Ali Abedini, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 21, No 83, pp.175-184, 2012
  102. "OM examinations anf thermal modelling of basal Shamshak black shale in Tazareh section, NE Iran"
    Ali SHEKARIFARD, فرانسوا بودن, Kazem Seyed Emami, Youhan Schnider, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 21, No 83, 2012
  103. "Microbiostratigraphu of Upper Dalan nad Kangan Formations"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Somayeh Baharlooee
    Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches, Vol. 45, No 4, pp.1-20, 2012
  104. "Geochemical Study of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in Jajarm Bauxite Deposit (Northeast Iran)"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Daryosh Esmaeili, عباس امینی فضل , امیر اثنی عشری
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 16, No 62, pp.1-12, 2007
  105. "منشاء نهشته های تبخیری پتاس دار میوسن در شمال حوضه کویربزگ جنوب سمنان"
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, زینب شریعتی نیا
    Journal Of Sciences, Vol. -, No 1, pp.252-229, 2005
  106. "Mineralogy and Copper-Secondary minerals from the Ardakan-Barite Mine"
    Ali SHEKARIFARD, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Kazem Seyed Emami
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 15, No 58, pp.67-56, 2005
  107. "دگرسانی کانیهای سولفیدی در کانسار باریت - کالکوپیریت اردکان"
    Ali SHEKARIFARD, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, جمشید روح شهباز
    Irananin Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy, Vol. 12, No 2, 1732
  108. "Petrographt and diagenesis of the Jajarm Buaxite deposites"
    Daryosh Esmaeili, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab
    Journal Of Sciences, Vol. 33, No 3, 1732

Conference Paper

  1. "Application of Geophysical Strata Rating (GSR) in carbonate reservoir characterization"
    Mohhamadali Faraji, Ali Kadkhodaei, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Kamal Aghazadeh
    The 18 th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  2. "Geochemistry as a Powerful Tool in Oil Exploration: A Case Study from the Karstified Reservoirs of the Middle East; SW Iran"
    Hamzeh Mehrabi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Amin Navidtalab
    IPTC, 2014
  3. "Reservoir rock characterization, classification and pore typing in the Dalan/Kangan carbonates (Khuff analogues), South Pars Field"
    Behrooz Esrafili Dizaji, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Farkhoned Kiani Harchegani
    Third EAGE Workshop on Arabian Plate Geology, 2011
  4. "Linking diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy and its effect on reservoir quality of the Asmari formation in Naft Safid field"
    Behzad Soltani, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Ali Rahmani, Ebrahim Spidari
    3rd sedimentologist conference, 2017
  5. "Investigation of relationship between sedimentary facies and digenetic processes with sequences distribution in the Arab Formation, Balal Field"
    Massod Sharifi Yazdi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Vahid Tavakoli
    3rd sedimentologist conference, 2017
  6. "Defining reservoir quality of Sarvak Formation in Ahvaz oilfield (SW Iran), using hydraulic flow units methods"
    سمیه فرامرزی , Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohsen Ranjbaran, Esmaeil Izadi
    3rd sedimentologist conference, 2017
  7. "The main controlling factors in reservoir properties of Fahlian Formation in one of the wells Gachsaran"
    Hosein Noori, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Akabr Zamannejad
    The 34th national and 2nd international Geo-sciences Congress, 2016
  8. "Facies analysis and sedimentary environment of Fahlian Formation in Ashgar anticlaine, Ize Zone"
    Hosein Noori, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Akabr Zamannejad
    The 34th national and 2nd international Geo-sciences Congress, 2016
    Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Arash Qarehbaghi, Mersad Moeini
    The 34th national and 2nd international Geo-sciences Congress, 2016
  10. "Estimation of reservoir geomechanical parameters using Neural Networks and establishing Geomechanical Units (GMU) in a hydrocarbon field in Southern Iranian"
    Mohhamadali Faraji, Ali Kadkhodaei, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Mohammad Shirmohamadi
    33rd national geologic symposium, 2015
  11. "Diagenetic history of Sarvak Formation in the Sarkan oil field and its relation to paleoclimate and sedimentary facies"
    Mersad Moeini, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Vahid Tavakoli, Mehran Moradpour, Ali Dashti
    8th national geology conference, 2014
  12. "Assessment of the fractures formation and distribution in the reservoir of the Bangestan group and their effects on the reservoir quality in the Sarkan Oil field, southeast of Lorestan"
    Mersad Moeini, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Vahid Tavakoli, Mehran Moradpour, Hossein Rezapanah
    8th national geology conference, 2014
  13. "Bangestan group reservoir zonation in the Sarkan field based on the sedimentology and petrophysics characteristics"
    Mersad Moeini, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Vahid Tavakoli, Mehran Moradpour, Hossein Rezapanah
    8th national geology conference, 2014
  14. "Introducing proper sequence stratigraphic model for separation of Upper Dalan reservoir zones"
    Mahya Abbasi, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab, Vahid Tavakoli
    2nd Oil and gas conference of Iran, 2014